(Here is a photo of Zion for Cowboy days at school)
Since we first wrote Zion's Story things have drastically changed in many areas of his life. First of all he has excelled in Floortime Therapy. In late August he started at special education preschool. Before school began, his Floortime therapist asked me to bring Zion in to use as an example of how to implement Floortime techniques. One of the teachers asked us if we had some sort of video of what Zion was like before Floortime was implemented. I wish I had been that smart!!! The changes are so dramatic, I dont think I would have believed it to be the same child, if I didn't know better!
Zion was diagnosed last March. Seven months ago Zion would not keep his eyes open outside of our home. He was completely non-verbal. No words at all! He would babble a little: mamama, bababa, but that was all. Today Zion can say and understand probably forty words. His comprehension has gone way up also. He can take four or five commands: for example, "go get a diaper" and "go get your blanket". He is starting to try and sing the actual words to songs instead of just humming. He walks on his own and doesn't have to be carried everywhere (my back has gotten a break). We can now go to the mall and he looks around and enjoys the sight of other children and even greets people by saying "hello" and "bye-bye". The changes that have taken place are astounding. I truly believe that God sent Floortime Therapy to us.
If you saw Zion from a distance you would not believe that there was anything wrong or different about him. He now interacts with his teachers and is starting to even notice his other classmates. He absolutley loves to go to school each day. And when I pick him up he sees me from down the hall and starts screaming for me. It is the highlight of my day. On Thursday he even said, "hi mama". His first sentence. I am even crying as I write it.
He still has so far to go. Potty Training. Dressing himself. Brushing Teeth. ABC's. 123's. Kindergarten. I hold on to the hope and know that Zion will go to Kindergarten just like any other five year old. I look forward to each day because he continually amazes me.
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